Marcia Santos Sadler

Marcia Santos Sadler
Our team uses tax strategies to support retirement and pension plans for professionals and small business owners. We collaborate closely with CPAs, CFPs, and other insurance brokers, leveraging our extensive network for expert insights.
Many of our clients are financially driven, and we encourage them to take full advantage of our resources.
With the introduction of AI, we’ve revolutionized how we evaluate life insurance and annuities, enabling more personalized plans, higher returns, and cost-effective solutions for our clients.
Feel free to request a complimentary review of your life insurance or annuity. It’s always a good idea to stay informed about how interest rates impact your policy.
Insurance Tips To Consider
We encourage you to review your policy, as interest rates have increased, which can affect it favorably or unfavorably.
Newer life and annuity policies often include Long Term Care or Living Benefits riders that provide financial support if needed.
If you bought a policy many years ago and no longer need it, selling it might recoup some of your costs.
Stay regular with your reviews; they’re essential for making adjustments in time.
If your term policy is ending, consider converting it to a permanent policy and selling if you don’t need it.
In some cases, reapplying for a new policy might be more cost-effective than converting an old one.