Qualifying for Life Insurance

A policy review is a great way to know if your life insurance is or is not performing to your expectations.


Many circumstances will determine your life insurance rate class. However, some are outside your control — for example, personal and family medical history. In contrast, you can influence your lifestyle choices to lower your premiums. For example, a healthier lifestyle significantly impacts the premium amount you pay.

Here are some considerations used to determine your rate:

  • Smoking: Smoking will significantly impact your rate, generally doubles it, including marijuana, hookah, or even cigars.
  • Weight: This includes your body mass index, known as your (BMI). It must be within the recommended range. Therefore, your weight should be considered healthy for your age and height.
  • Cholesterol: Healthy cholesterol levels can help keep your rate low.
  • Blood pressure should be in a healthy range to keep your premiums low. Must be more than 90 over 60 (90/60) but less than 120 over 80 (120/80): It’s the ideal blood pressure reading.
  • Driving history: Companies check your driving record. Good drivers are considered low-risk. That’s true for auto as well as for life insurance.
  • Recreational activities: People participating in high-risk activities such as skydiving will likely pay a higher risk premium.

Each insurance carrier will approve you differently, more favorable for particular pre-existing medical conditions and chronic illnesses than others. For people with certain chronic diseases such as; Diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, depression, and recovering alcoholics, each company can rate you differently.

While one company has better rates for people with a family history of high blood pressure, another company can rate that same person with the same health issue more severely.

Do you need a policy review?